
Great News!

Hello again.

It's been quite a long while of being quiet. Yes, I'm breaking this three-month silence to announce the return of one of the most eclectically-exciting and musically-rich blogsites there ever was, or will be... Turkish Psychedelic Music!

This is V.2.0 of the previous blog redressed in truly wonderful psychedelicious motifs and full of the meticulous, painstaking work of its owner who refused to just wither away into e-neglect.

The new TPM2 has
needless to say, the same music files that were suddenly lost as I've mentioned in a previous post, and those lost gems of Turkish music from the 60's and the 70's are reappearing one by one there. So, do not forget to drop by at Turkish Psychedelic Music 2 and leave a word of encouragement for its owner.

As for my delayed post (Gnawa Music):
I haven't been working on anything blog-wise as of late, and don't know if I would be able in a month from now. But, here for the spirit of keeping on keeping on, babes!



  1. thanks my friend for this announcement! i really appreciate it.

    i'll post some new stuff and the classics too again. i lost a lot of files too of the old page, they were suddenly deleted. i didnt have all the files saved so i hope i find them all again.

  2. Don't mention it, achi.

    I am not sure if some of your ex-followers (or, these who'd follow soon on the new TPM2 site), have any of the old files, but let's hope that everything will return as it was, and wish for the better all the time.

    So glad that you're back. Stay cool, birader.



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